Template Revit
Revit template for architect, structure, MEP, landscaper System requirements for Autodesk Revit 2019 and up | English & Indonesia
This template was designed and compiled by Tony Jackson to cut the DED drawing process to be shorter and faster and continue to prioritize the professionalism of the consultants, the appearance and terms used are the result of research by MAT architect and multi teams in the discipline at KAMI SPACE for almost 3 years in finding the best format that can be shared by consultants in Indonesia and around the world
- Complete schematic for mep consultants
- Complete and interlaced sheet pages
- Title Blog variations for the vertical and horizontal versions
- Drawing List which are grouped and neatly arranged for high-rise building projects
- Various Parametric Curtain Panel
- Title Block standart GA Japan ( like symbol pieces, tag by category / multi category )
- Various alternatives to Basic Wall and Curtain Wall
- Various Alternative Window
- Various Alternative Doors
- Various Component
- Various Basic Roof and Sloped Glazing
- Integrated Sheet formation
- Profile: h-beam, unp, hollow, cnp, iron cube, iron plate, c truss, gutter, flate bluescoop, wood facet, listplang conwood, bluescoop parapet, battens 12, ridge capping bluescoop, elbow iron, t-beam, tile flasing bluescoop .
- Various railing
- Various component sites such as tropical plants are often used: Tree, Cycads & Palms, Ferns, Shrubs etc.
- Integrated contents list
- Tag by Category
- Multi Category
- Material Tag
- Level of Electrical Equipment
- Schedules / Quantities
- Family frequently used:
1. Various Bluescoop iron roofing (Created by Tony Jackson )
2. Roof tile flat
3. Complete Cabinet System
4. Parametric Curtain Panel 1,2,3,4
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